Acronym | Definition |
MSEM➣Master of Science in Engineering Management |
MSEM➣Miedzykierunkowe Studia Ekonomiczno-Menedzerskie (Polish: Interdisciplinary Economic and Managerial Studies; Warsaw University; Warsaw, Poland) |
MSEM➣Master of Science in Environmental Management (degree) |
MSEM➣Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management |
MSEM➣Master of Science in Emergency Management |
MSEM➣Maison des Sciences de l'Eau à Montpellier |
MSEM➣Mean Square Error Method |
MSEM➣Mobile Source Emissions Model |
MSEM➣Maître de la Sémantique et des Mots (French: Master of Semantics and Words) |
MSEM➣Multistep State Extrapolation Method |