


(also Erdeni Batur-khuntaidzhi). Died circa 1660. Ruler of the Oirat Khanate beginning in 1635.

Continuing the policies of his father, Khara-Khuly, Batur-Khuntaidzhi succeeded in overcoming the resistance of other Oirat princes who did not wish to submit to a central authority. After the withdrawal of Khan Gushi, who was defeated in this struggle, from Dzungaria to Koko Nor in 1635, Batur-Khuntaidzhi was recognized as the sole ruler of the Oirat Khanate. On his initiative a conference of Oirat, Khalkha, and Kalmyk lords was held in Dzungaria in 1640. This conference adopted the so-called Oirat Mongol Laws. Batur-Khuntaidzhi frequently sent emissaries to Russia to try to maintain peace and develop trade relations.