Malassez epithelial rests

Ma·las·sez ep·i·the·li·al rests

(mahl-ah-sā'), epithelial remains of Hertwig root sheath in the periodontal ligament.

Ma·las·sez ep·i·the·li·al rests

(mal'ah-sā ep'i-thē'lē-ăl rests) Epithelial remains of Hertwig root sheath in the periodontal ligament.


Louis Charles, French physiologist, 1842-1910. Malassez disease - testicular cyst.Malassez epithelial rests - epithelial remains of Hertwig root sheath in the periodontal ligament.Malassezia - a genus of fungi (family Cryptococcaceae) of low pathogenicity.

Ma·las·sez ep·i·the·li·al rests

(mal'ah-sā ep'i-thē'lē-ăl rests) Epithelial remains of Hertwig root sheath in periodontal ligament.