Kharlampii Sergeevich Golovin

Golovin, Kharlampii Sergeevich


Born Feb. 1 (13). 1844. in Riazan Province; died Mar. 9 (22). 1904, in St. Petersburg. Russian scientist in the fields of elasticity theory and structural mechanics.

Golovin graduated from the Nikolaevskaia Engineering Academy in 1868 (St. Petersburg). Beginning in 1875 he taught structural mechanics at the Engineering Academy and the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology. From 1888 to 1891 he was a professor at the Kharkov Institute of Technology and in 1891 became director of the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology. In his work One of the Problems of the Statics of an Elastic Body (1882), Golovin for the first time calculated the elastic arc using the methods of the theory of elasticity. In his work On the Internal Tensions in the Walls of Metal Cylinders (1888) he investigated the tensions in a cylindrical casing of circular contour, the transverse cross sections of which are bounded by two concentric circles.