Kharkov Industrial Arts Institute

Kharkov Industrial Arts Institute


an institution of higher learning in the USSR, one of the training centers for specialists in the industrial arts. The institute originated as the Kharkov School of Drawing and Painting, founded in 1896 and transformed in 1912 into the Kharkov Art School. After the October Revolution, the art school was reopened in 1921 as the Kharkov Advanced Art Technicum. The school was an art institute from 1927 to 1963, when it was reorganized as the Kharkov Industrial Arts Institute.

The institute has (1977) departments of industrial arts and interior decoration. The first trains industrial artists and draftsmen specializing in artistic design and mechanical drawing. The second offers training in interior decoration and monumental-decorative art, with specialization in designing interiors, exhibits, and advertisements and in creating monumental-decorative murals, and architectural sculpture. There are seven subdepartments, as well as training workshops, laboratories, and a research section. The institute’s library contains more than 80,000 volumes.

During the 1976–77 academic year the institute had an enrollment of 624 students and a teaching staff of 111, including five professors, 24 docents and candidates of sciences, one People’s Artist of the Ukrainian SSR and seven Honored Art Workers of the Ukrainian SSR. Between 1963 and 1977 the institute trained some 900 specialists.