Acronym | Definition |
BFO➣BOM (Bill of Material) Family Owner |
BFO➣Bereaved Families of Ontario (Canada) |
BFO➣Brake Force One (bicycle braking system) |
BFO➣Big Faceless Organization (software) |
BFO➣Basis for Operation |
BFO➣Beat Frequency Oscillator |
BFO➣Blinding Flash of the Obvious |
BFO➣Burst Frequency Offset (radio transmissions; aviation) |
BFO➣Basic Formal Ontology |
BFO➣Beef Farmers of Ontario (trade association; Ontario, Canada) |
BFO➣Budapest Festival Orchestra (est. 1983) |
BFO➣Business Financial Officer (various companies) |
BFO➣Buried Fiber Optic (cable) |
BFO➣Bunker Fuel Oil |
BFO➣Balanced Forearm Orthosis |
BFO➣Biltmore Forest Overdrive |
BFO➣Blood Forming Organ |
BFO➣Blazing Flash of the Obvious |
BFO➣Basic Foot Orthosis |
BFO➣Brilliant Flash of the Obvious |
BFO➣Best & Final Offer |
BFO➣Bug-Fix Only (software release) |
BFO➣Bible Factory Outlet (book store) |
BFO➣Backhaul Follow On |
BFO➣Bellmore Faculty Organization |
BFO➣Banque Française de l'Orient (French: French Bank of the East) |
BFO➣Big Fat One |
BFO➣Befalets Felles Organisasjon (Norwegian labour union) |
BFO➣Burkina Faso Outreach |
BFO➣Bismuth Ferric Oxide |
BFO➣Blanket Factory Outlet (Indianapolis, IN) |
BFO➣Biomechanical Functional Orthotics |
BFO➣Brother from Oakland (Vitamin C song) |
BFO➣BattleField Outlaws |