

单词 ntd
释义 DictionarySeeneural tube defect



Neural tube defect, see there.


NTDNASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Test Director
NTDN-Terminal Domain (proteins)
NTDNotice and Takedown
NTDNeural Tube Defect (neurology)
NTDNothing to Declare
NTDNeglected Tropical Diseases (World Health Organization)
NTDNothing To Do
NTDNational Transit Database
NTDNegative Tone Development (immersion lithography)
NTDNew Taiwan Dollar
NTDNew Tang Dynasty TV
NTDNational Trails Day
NTDNational Theater of the Deaf
NTDNeutron Transmutation Doping
NTDNorthern Telephone and Data (Oshkosh, WI)
NTDNew Theory of Disuse (psychology)
NTDNorwalk Transit District
NTDNth to Default (Note)
NTDNeurotransmitter Disorder
NTDNew Technologies Department (Datago, Ltd.; Israel)
NTDNon Transmissable Disease
NTDNational Transportation Database
NTDNational Tartan Day
NTDNeutral Tube Defect
NTDNoticiero Televisa Deportes (México)
NTDNon Tower Detergent
NTDNotice of Deposition
NTDNavy Telecommunications Directive (US Navy)
NTDNote to Draft (denotes comments not intended for inclusion in legal document)
NTDNational Tax Database (UK)
NTDNote to Director
NTDNicholas Tarr Designs




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更新时间:2025/3/17 5:22:55