Khabarovsk Protocol 1929

Khabarovsk Protocol (1929)


an agreement between the USSR and China ending the Soviet-Chinese conflict of 1929 over the Chinese Eastern Railway (seeSOVIET-CHINESE CONFLICT OF 1929).

Signed on December 22 in Khabarovsk, the agreement restored the Chinese Eastern Railway to the status existing before the conflict. It provided for the continued joint control of the railroad. All arrested Soviet citizens were to be released. The Chinese authorities were bound to disarm the White Guard bands in northeastern China. Provisions were made for the immediate restoration of the Soviet consulate in northeastern China and of the Chinese consulate in the Soviet Far East. The protocol also provided for the renewal of activities by Soviet economic organizations and Chinese commercial enterprises in the USSR. In addition, it restored normal relations along the Soviet-Chinese border.


Sovetsko-kitaiskii konflikt 1929 g.: Sb. dokumentov. Moscow, 1930.
Dokumenty vneshnei politiki SSSR, vol. 12. Moscow, 1967.