Makushev, Vikentii Vasilevich

Makushev, Vikentii Vasil’evich


Born Oct. 10, 1837, in Brest-Litovsk, present-day Brest; died Mar. 2, 1883, in Old Warsaw. Russian Slavist and historian; Slavophile.

Makushev graduated from the University of St. Petersburg. From 1862 to 1865 he served as a secretary in the Russian consulate in Dubrovnik. In 1867 he defended his master’s dissertation, Studies on Dubrovnik !$• Historical Monuments and on the City’s Authors Who Portrayed Everyday Life. In 1868-71, Makushev was sent to Italy by the Ministry of Education to do scholarly work in the libraries and archives. From 1871 to 1883 he was a professor at the University of Warsaw. Makushev is the author of many historical works, including Historical Investigations on the Slavs in Albania in the Middle Ages (1871), Bulgaria Under the Turkish Empire, Primarily in the 15th and 16th Centuries (1872), and On the Pronoia System in Ancient Serbia (1874). He also published documents such as Historical Monuments of the Southern Slavs (parts 1-2, 1874-82), based on Italian archives.


Florinskii, T. D. “V. V. Makushev.” Slavianskii ezhegodnik. Kiev, 1883.
Ocherki istorii istoricheskoi nauki v SSSR, vol. 2. Moscow, 1960.