释义 |
DictionarySeeGraves diseaseBasedow disease
Graves dis·ease (grāvz), [MIM*275000] Avoid the incorrect forms Grave and Grave's.1. toxic goiter characterized by diffuse hyperplasia of the thyroid gland, a form of hyperthyroidism; exophthalmos is a common, but not invariable, concomitant finding; 2. thyroid dysfunction and all or any of its clinical associations; 3. an organ-specific autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland. Synonym(s): Basedow disease, ophthalmic hyperthyroidism, Parry diseaseBasedow disease (boz'e-do?) [Karl A. von Basedow, Ger. physician, 1799–1854] Graves disease.Basedow, Karl Adolph von, German physician, 1799-1854. Basedow disease - Synonym(s): Graves disease; thyrotoxicosisBasedow goiter - colloid goiter which becomes hyperfunctional after the ingestion of excess iodine, causing Jod-Basedow phenomenon.Basedow pseudoparaplegia - weakness of the thigh muscles in thyrotoxicosis.Basedow syndrome - myeloneuropathy seen in the presence of thyrotoxicosis.Jod-Basedow phenomenon - induction of thyrotoxicosis in a previously euthyroid individual as a result of exposure to large quantities of iodine. Synonym(s): iodine-induced hyperthyroidismGraves dis·ease (grāvz di-zēz') [MIM*275000] 1. Toxic goiter characterized by diffuse hyperplasia of the thyroid gland, a form of hyperthyroidism. 2. Thyroid dysfunction and all or any of its clinical associations. 3. Organ-specific autoimmune disease of thyroid gland. Synonym(s): Basedow disease. |