Myshlaevskii, Aleksandr
Myshlaevskii, Aleksandr Zakhar’evich
Born Mar. 12 (24), 1856; died 1920. Russian officer and military historian; general of the infantry (1912).
Myshlaevskii graduated from the Mikhail Artillery School in 1877 and from the Academy of the General Staff in 1884. He became a professor at the Academy of the General Staff in 1898 and served concurrently as chief of the Military History Archives of the Main Headquarters from 1899 to 1904. He was chief of the Main Headquarters in 1908–09 and chief of the General Staff from March to September 1909. In 1913 he was appointed assistant vicegerent for military affairs of the Caucasus. He was assistant commander in chief of the Caucasian Army at the beginning of World War I (1914–18) and retired in March 1915.
From December 1915, Myshlaevskii served as chairman of the Metallurgical Committee and as a representative on metallurgical affairs of the Special Conference on State Defense and from August 1916 as chief representative on the supply of metals. He was commander of the forces of the Kazan Military District from March to June 1917. He was attached to the staff of the Caucasian Front in October 1917 and appointed chairman of the Caucasian Military History Commission in December 1917.
Myshlaevskii studied 18th-century Russian military history, asserting the originality of the Russian art of war. His great contribution was in the publication of a large amount of archival materials.
Severnaia voina na Ingermanlandskom i Finliandskom teatrakh ν 1708–1714. St. Petersburg, 1893.Petr Velikii: Voennye zakony i instruktsii. St. Petersburg, 1894.
Voina s Turtsiei 1711 g. St. Petersburg, 1898.
Ofitserskii vopros ν XVIII veke. St. Petersburg, 1899.
Dve katastrofy: Suvorov ν Shveitsarii, Petrna Prute. St. Petersburg, 1901.
Severnaia voina 1708 g.: Ot reki Ully i Bereziny za rekoi Dnepr. St. Petersburg, 1901.