

单词 mod


mod 1

M0361300 (mŏd)n. An unconventionally modern style of fashionable dress originating in England in the 1960s.adj.1. In or characteristic of this unconventionally modern style.2. Fashionably up-to-date, especially in style, design, or dress.
[After the Mods, name of several gangs of English youths in the 1960s, short for modern.]

mod 2

abbr. Mathematics modulus


(mɒd) n (Sociology) a. a member of a group of teenagers in the mid-1960s, noted for their clothes-consciousness and opposition to the rockersb. a member of a revived group of this type in the late 1970s and early 1980s, noted for their clothes-consciousness and opposition to the skinheadsc. (as modifier): a mod haircut. [C20: from modernist]


(mɒd) n1. (Music, other) an annual Highland Gaelic meeting with musical and literary competitions2. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) an annual Highland Gaelic meeting with musical and literary competitions[C19: from Gaelic mòd assembly, from Old Norse; related to moot]


(mɒd) mathsabbreviation for (Mathematics) modulus


(in Britain) abbreviation for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Ministry of Defence



adj. 1. very modern in style, dress, etc. 2. (sometimes cap.) of or pertaining to a style of dress of the 1960s, typified by miniskirts, bell-bottom trousers, and boots. n. 3. a person who is mod. 4. (sometimes cap.) a British teenager of the 1960s who affected Edwardian dress. [1955–60; shortened form of modern]


1. moderate. 2. modern. 3. modification.


Music produced by British bands of the 1960s in the style of American R&B.
Noun1.mod - a British teenager or young adult in the 1960smod - a British teenager or young adult in the 1960s; noted for their clothes consciousness and opposition to the rockersmods - a youth subculture that began in London in the early 1960s; a working-class movement with highly stylized dress and short hair; listened to rhythm and blues music and travelled on motor scootersBritain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdomadolescent, stripling, teen, teenager - a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity
Adj.1.mod - relating to a recently developed fashion or stylemod - relating to a recently developed fashion or style; "their offices are in a modern skyscraper"; "tables in modernistic designs";modernistic, modernfashionable, stylish - being or in accordance with current social fashions; "fashionable clothing"; "the fashionable side of town"; "a fashionable cafe"


adjective1. Being or in accordance with the current fashion:à la mode, chic, dashing, fashionable, modish, posh, smart, stylish, swank, swanky, trig.Informal: classy, in, sharp, snappy, swish, tony, trendy.Slang: with-it.Idioms: all the rage, up to the minute.2. Characteristic of recent times or informed of what is current:au courant, contemporary, current, modern, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute.


(with) all mod cons

(With) all the amenities of a pleasant and comfortable dwelling. "Mod cons" is an abbreviation for "modern conveniences." Primarily heard in UK. Come on, Mom, can we stay at a place with all mod cons for once? Or at least one where the power isn't constantly going off?See also: all, con, mod

mod poser

1. Someone who tries to appear modern (hence "mod") and trendy by dressing in fashionable clothes. He spends so much time and money on his appearance to project this hip façade, but he's just a mod poser.2. Someone who pretends to be a moderator, or acts as if they have the authority of one, in an online forum or community. I was playing against this guy online last night who was a total mod poser—he kept threatening to ban my account just because he kept losing to me.See also: mod, poser

(with) all mod ˈcons

(British English, informal) used to describe a house or flat/apartment that has all the things that make living there easier and more comfortable, for example a washing machine, a shower, etc: From the outside it looks rather old, but inside it’s got all mod cons — even a microwave oven.We want a campsite with all mod cons.This phrase is a short form of ‘modern conveniences’.See also: all, con, mod


(mɑd) mod. contemporary and fashionable in clothing and ideas. Your clothes are mod, but you’re just a plain, old-fashioned prude.

mod poser

(ˈmɑd ˈpozɚ) n. someone who looks mod in dress only. (Collegiate.) Tiffany is such a mod poser. At home it’s jeans and a T-shirt. See also: mod, poser



an annual Highland Gaelic meeting with musical and literary competitions


On drawings, abbr. for model.


(filename extension, application, file format, music)(module) The filename extension for a sampled music fileformat that originated on the Commodore Amiga. A .MODfile is composed of digitised sound samples, arranged inpatterns to create a song. There are .MOD players for mostpersonal computers including Amiga, Archimedes, IBM PC, and Macintosh.

An IBM PC will require a sound card capable of handlingdigitised samples (Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro,GUS) and slower Intel 80386-based PCs may not be able todo anything else while playing a module.

.MOD files differ from .MID (MIDI) files in that theycontain sound samples. This allows each song to use differentsounds but it also puts more load on the CPU than playing aMIDI file, since more data must be processed for each note. Aslow CPU would benefit from a sound card with wavetable synthesis which handles samples instead of the CPU.

Module files come in various formats including .MOD. Formatsevolved from .MOD include .S3M, .FAR and .669. Most containimprovements on .MODs.



(jargon)modify or modification.

This abbreviation is very common - in fact the full terms areconsidered formal. "Mods" is used especially with referenceto bug fixes or minor design changes in hardware or software,most especially with respect to patch sets or a diff.


(programming)A common name for the modulo operator.


(1) See modulo, module and magneto-optic disk.

(2) (MODify or MODification) Enhancements made by PC and gaming enthusiasts to their computer systems. "Modders" alter the standard desktop computer for looks, performance or both. Some make modifications to the case to make the system quieter. Overclocking the CPU is common as well as adding enhanced cooling systems to compensate for the increased temperatures of the chips. See overclock, modding and mod chip.



Abbreviation for mesiodistocclusal; Medical Officer of the Day.


Abbreviation for:
Medical Officer of the Day
maturity-onset diabetes
mean optical density
medic on duty
medical officer of day
Ministry of Defence 
mode of death
multiple-organ donors
multiple-organ dysfunction


Abbreviation for:
manner of death
maturity-onset diabetes
Medical Officer of the Day
mesio-occlusal distal
mode of death
multiorgan donor 
multiorgan dysfunction
multiple organ dysfunction


Abbreviation for mesiodistocclusal.


MODMinistry Of Defense
MODMovies on Demand
MODMinistry Of Defence (British)
MODMasters of Defense (US Cutlery company)
MODMuseum of Discovery (various locations)
MODMultiple Organ Dysfunction
MODMessenger of Death
MODMaintenance on Demand (customer service)
MODMaster of Disaster
MODManufacture on Demand (technology; various companies)
MODMake Our Day
MODMusic On Demand
MODManagement and Operations Division (US HUD)
MODMicrosoft Operating System Descriptor
MODMedia on Demand
MODMagneto Optical Disk
MODMaps on Demand
MODMessage Output Descriptor
MODMovie on Demand
MODMaintenance on Demand
MODMusic Module
MODMotor Own Damage (insurance)
MODManager On Duty
MODMasters of Deception (hacker group)
MODMethod of Delivery
MODMinimum Object Distance
MODMassachusetts Office on Disability
MODMan of Order and Discipline Movement of Nigeria
MODMission Operations Directorate
MODMicrosoft Office Developer
MODMaximum Operating Depth
MODMarch of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
MODMerchant of Death
MODMethod of Destruction (band)
MODMedical Officer of the Day
MODManagement of Development (degree; various schools)
MODMinistry of Darkness (gaming)
MODMaps on Demand (US EPA EnviroMapper)
MODMy Other Dad (mother's significant other)
MODMetal Organic Decomposition
MODMagnetic Optical Disk
MODMobile Ordnance Disrupter (lasers)
MODMonks of Doom (band)
MODMilitary of Defence
MODMemorandum of Decision
MODMean Optical Density
MODMayor's Office on Disability (San Francisco, CA)
MODMinistry of Overseas Development (United Kingdom)
MODMiscellaneous Obligation Document
MODMaritime Operations Division (Australia)
MODManager on Demand
MODMesial Occlusal Distal
MODMask of Destiny (Lego Bionicle fan site)
MODMain d'Oeuvre Directe (French: direct labor)
MODManual of Decisions (EU)
MODMetres Above Ordnance Datum (UK sea level measurement)
MODMusic Online Dating (personality quiz)
MODMaster of Diguise (Nintendo Developers' System game)
MODMaster's of Destruction (gaming clan)
MODMaximum Overall Diameter (small lamps specification)
MODMarine Operations Division
MODMotor Operated Damper
MODManufacturers Operations Division
MODManagement Operations Directorate
MODMolly Obsessive Disorder (Internet slang)
MODMARS Operating Directive
MODManagement and Organization Division
MODMarket Overview Document (marketing)
MODMaintenance Overhaul Designator
MODModule Outfitting Design
MODManagement Overview Diagram
MODModesto, CA, USA - Harry Sham Field (Airport Code)
MODMajor Operated Department
MODMemorandum Obligation Document
MODMinor Operated Department


  • all
  • adj
  • noun

Synonyms for mod

adj being or in accordance with the current fashion


  • à la mode
  • chic
  • dashing
  • fashionable
  • modish
  • posh
  • smart
  • stylish
  • swank
  • swanky
  • trig
  • classy
  • in
  • sharp
  • snappy
  • swish
  • tony
  • trendy
  • with-it

adj characteristic of recent times or informed of what is current


  • au courant
  • contemporary
  • current
  • modern
  • up-to-date
  • up-to-the-minute

Synonyms for mod

noun a British teenager or young adult in the 1960s

Related Words

  • mods
  • Britain
  • Great Britain
  • U.K.
  • UK
  • United Kingdom
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • adolescent
  • stripling
  • teen
  • teenager

adj relating to a recently developed fashion or style


  • modernistic
  • modern

Related Words

  • fashionable
  • stylish




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