Kaufman, Aleksandr

Kaufman, Aleksandr Arkad’evich


Born Mar. 12, 1864, in Berlin; died 1919. Russian economist and statistician. An organizer and leader of the Constitutional Democrats (Cadets).

Kaufman graduated from St. Petersburg University in 1885. From 1887 to 1906 he served in the Ministry of Agriculture and State Properties. He assembled extensive material on the economy of peasant farms in Siberia. Although V. I. Lenin utilized certain statistical works by Kaufman, he nevertheless sharply criticized his exhortations for class peace between peasants and landlords (Poln. sobr. sock, 5th ed., vol. 16, pp. 224, 226, 227). After the October Socialist Revolution, Kaufman worked in central statistical institutions.


Krest’ianskaia obshchina v Sibiri. St. Petersburg, 1897.
Pereselenie i kolonizatsiia. St. Petersburg, 1905.
Formy khoziaistva v ikh istoricheskom razvitii. Moscow, 1910.
Statistika: Ee priemy i ee znachenie dlia obshchestvennykh nauk. [Moscow, 1911.]
Agrarnyi vopros v Rossii. Moscow, 1918.