

单词 ipi
释义 DictionarySeehard disk



(Intelligent Peripheral Interface) A high-speed hard disk interface used with minis and mainframes that transfers data in the 10 to 25 MBytes/sec range. IPI-2 and IPI-3 refer to differences in the command set that they execute. See hard disk.



Abbreviation for International Prognostic Index.


IPIImposto Sobre Produtos Industrializados (Brazilian Federal Excise Tax)
IPIInternational Press Institute
IPIImposto Sobre Produtos Industrializados (Brazil federal tax)
IPIInternational Prognostic Index (oncology)
IPIIgreja Presbiteriana Independente (Portuguese: Independent Presbyterian Church; Brazil)
IPIInternational Peace Institute (New York, NY)
IPIIndustrial Production Index (economic indicator; Federal Reserve Board)
IPIIstituto per la Promozione Industriale
IPIIntrepid Potash, Inc. (Denver, CO)
IPIInternational Payment Instruction
IPIInternational Parking Institute
IPIIntelligent Peripheral Interface
IPIInstitute for Policy Innovation
IPIImage Processing and Interchange
IPIInternal Processor Interrupt
IPIInternational Playthings, Inc. (Grand Toys International Limited)
IPIInternal Process Improvement
IPIInfinity Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Cambridge, MA)
IPIInternational Public Information
IPIInternational Protein Index
IPIImage Permanence Institute (Rochester, New York)
IPIInter-Processor Interrupt
IPIIndependent Photo Imagers
IPIIntel Product Integrator
IPIIllinois Policy Institute
IPIInternet Policy Institute
IPIInter-Path Interference
IPIInstitute of Pharmaceutical Innovation (University of Bradford, UK)
IPIInternational Property Investors (various locations)
IPIIndigenous Peoples International (International Humanities Center)
IPIInternational Performance Institute (Florida)
IPIInternet Protocol Infrastructure
IPIInterior Point Intermodal
IPIImaging Products International (photography)
IPIIntelligence Press, Inc.
IPIInitial Protocol Identifier
IPIIpiales, Colombia - San Luis (Airport Code)
IPIIn Process Inspection
IPIInformation Policy Institute
IPIInstitute for Photogrammetry and Geoinformation
IPIIntended Point of Impact (US Air Force)
IPIIntegrated Photonics, Inc. (Hillsborough, NJ)
IPIIntel Processor Integrator
IPIIntellectual Property Interface
IPIInternational Petroleum Institute (est. 1987)
IPIInformation Products Interchange
IPIIllinois Pain Institute
IPIIndia Policy Institute
IPIIndex of Biotic Integrity
IPIIrreversible Processed Indicator
IPIIndigenous Populations and Institutions (US DoD)
IPIIndustrial Product Identification
IPIInitial Product Inspection
IPIIsocyanate Products Incorporated
IPIInstrument Personality Interface
IPIInfinity Pharmaceuticals Incorporated (Cambridge, MA)
IPIIntercept Pattern for Identification
IPIIn-grade Pay Increase
IPIIn-Process Initiative
IPIImmediate Permanent Incapacitation (nuclear weapons casualty criterion)




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