Acronym | Definition |
JEDI➣Joint Endeavor of Delphi Innovators |
JEDI➣Java Education & Development Initiative |
JEDI➣Jovian Energetic-Particle Detector Instrument (Juno; US NASA) |
JEDI➣Japanese-English Dictionary Interface |
JEDI➣Joint Energy Development Investment |
JEDI➣Joint Expeditionary Digital Information |
JEDI➣Justice, Economic Dignity, and Independence for Women |
JEDI➣Joint Environment Driver for Interoperability (software) |
JEDI➣Java Event-based Distributed Infrastructure |
JEDI➣Joint Enterprise DoDIIS Infrastructure (USAF computer network system) |
JEDI➣Joint Electronic Document Interchange project |
JEDI➣Joint Electron Data Interchange |
JEDI➣Joint Exercise Driver for Intelligence |
JEDI➣Just Enough Documented Information |
JEDI➣Java Engineering, Development, & Integration |