Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park
Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park
Location:9 miles east of Crescent City on Highway 199.
Facilities:106 developed campsites (some @di), hike/bike campsites, showers,restrooms (é), picnic areas, hiking and nature trails (20 miles),river access, visitor center, exhibits.
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, swimming, horseback riding, mountain biking, interpretive programs.
Special Features:This predominately old growth coast redwoods park is bisected by thelast major free flowing river in California, the Smith River, which isknown for its runs of king salmon and steelhead trout in the fall andwinter. Park is namedfor Jedediah Smith, the first white man to explore the interior ofnorthern California, who pioneered a trail southwest from the GreatSalt Lake across the Mojave Desert through the San Bernadino Mountainsinto California.
Address:c/o North Coast Redwoods District Office
PO Box 2006
Eureka, CA 95502
Size: 10,447 acres.
See other parks in California.