Ivan Vasilevich Bokhanovskii

Bokhanovskii, Ivan Vasil’evich


Born June 26 (July 8), 1848; died July 11 (24), 1917. Russian revolutionary and Narodnik.

Bokhanovskii was from the nobility of Pereiaslavka District of Poltava Province. In 1875 he was expelled from the University of Kiev for participating in student disturbances. He was a figure in the populist organization of the Kiev “commune” (1874). He was arrested in 1875 and brought to trial on “process 193.” In early 1877, with la. Stefanovich and L. Deich he tried to organize a peasant uprising in Chigirin District. He was arrested on Aug. 30, 1877. In May 1878 he escaped from the Kiev prison and emigrated. In the early 1880’s he operated a press for the People’s Will in Geneva. Later he joined the Social Revolutionaries. He died in Brussels.