Acronym | Definition |
IPFC➣Ip over Fibre Channel |
IPFC➣Input Power Factor Correction |
IPFC➣Information Presentation Facility Compiler |
IPFC➣Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission |
IPFC➣Interline Power Flow Controller |
IPFC➣Independent Personal Financial Coach |
IPFC➣India Pakistan Friendship Club |
IPFC➣Internet Protocol over Fibre Channel (IETF) |
IPFC➣Institut Philotechnique de Formation Continue (French: Philotechnic Institute of Continuing Education) |
IPFC➣Institution for the Protection of Fictional Characters |
IPFC➣Institute for the Prevention of Financial Crimes (Agoura Hill, CA) |
IPFC➣Instructions Per Fetch Cycle |
IPFC➣Intelligent Power Factor Controller |
IPFC➣Independence Professional Fireworks Company |
IPFC➣Institut Professionnel de Formation en Cosmétique (French: Professional Cosmetics Training Institute) |