IPFCIp over Fibre Channel
IPFCInput Power Factor Correction
IPFCInformation Presentation Facility Compiler
IPFCIndo-Pacific Fishery Commission
IPFCInterline Power Flow Controller
IPFCIndependent Personal Financial Coach
IPFCIndia Pakistan Friendship Club
IPFCInternet Protocol over Fibre Channel (IETF)
IPFCInstitut Philotechnique de Formation Continue (French: Philotechnic Institute of Continuing Education)
IPFCInstitution for the Protection of Fictional Characters
IPFCInstitute for the Prevention of Financial Crimes (Agoura Hill, CA)
IPFCInstructions Per Fetch Cycle
IPFCIntelligent Power Factor Controller
IPFCIndependence Professional Fireworks Company
IPFCInstitut Professionnel de Formation en Cosmétique (French: Professional Cosmetics Training Institute)