Acronym | Definition |
IPES➣Improved Pes |
IPES➣Improved Proposed Encryption Standard (cryptography) |
IPES➣Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy |
IPES➣International Police Executive Symposium |
IPES➣International Payments for Ecosystem Services (UN Environment Program) |
IPES➣Information Processing Equipment and Software |
IPES➣Instituto Peruano de Economía Social (Spanish: Peruvian Institute of Social Economy) |
IPES➣Imus Pilot Elementary School |
IPES➣Integrated Platform Electronics and Sensors |
IPES➣International Personnel Exchange System |
IPES➣Internet Protocol Edge Services |
IPES➣Institut de Préparation aux Enseignements du Second Degré (French: Secondary Education Preparation Institute) |
IPES➣International Production Enterprise System |