

单词 ipe



Integrated Programming Environment
MedicalSeepau d’arcoFinancialSeeInternational Petroleum Exchange


IPEInternational Political Economy
IPEInter-Professional Education
IPEInnovation Policy and the Economy
IPEInternational Projects in Education
IPEInterprofessional Education (healthcare)
IPEIndustrial Plant Equipment (US DoD)
IPEIle du Prince Edouard (Canada)
IPEInterconnect(ion) Performance Estimation
IPEInstitute of Public and Environmental Affairs (Beijing, China; also seen as IPEA)
IPEIndividual Protection Equipment
IPEInternational Petroleum Exchange
IPEIntelligence Preparation of the Environment (US military)
IPEInstitute of Petroleum Engineering (UK)
IPEInstitute of Physical Education (various locations)
IPEIndividualized Plan for Employment
IPEIn Pursuit of Excellence (various locations)
IPEIntegrated Planning and Execution (various organizations)
IPEInvestment & Pensions Europe
IPEIp Encapsulator
IPEInterval Pitch Encoding
IPEIntelligent Peripheral Module
IPEIntel Platform Edition
IPEInternational Private Equity (various organizations)
IPEIntermediate Public Examination (India)
IPEInternational Position Evaluation (Mercer)
IPETabebuia Impetiginosa
IPEIntegrated Programming Environment
IPEInternational Programs in Engineering (Michigan)
IPEInstitute of Private Enterprise
IPEIntelligent Peripheral Equipment
IPEInternational Panel of Experts (also seen as IPOE)
IPEInfo Point Europe (EU)
IPEInternational Preliminary Examination (patents)
IPEInformation Processing Equipment
IPEIndividual Protective Clothing (US DoD)
IPEIndustrial Production Equipment
IPEInformation Produced by the Entity
IPEInternational Petroleum Encyclopedia
IPEIndoor Percussion Ensemble
IPEInvestimentos e Participações Empresariais (Portugal)
IPEInternetwork Packet Exchange (usually seen as IPX)
IPEInstitute of Public Enterprise
IPEIndividual Plant Examination (NRC)
IPEIntegrated Process Evaluation (US FEMA)
IPEInitial Planning Estimate
IPEInstitute for Practical Ethics (University of VIrginia)
IPEInverse Photoemission
IPEInstitute of Politics and Economics (India)
IPEInstituto de Previdência do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
IPEInternational Property Exhibition (trade show)
IPEI-Profile Européennes (French: European I-Beam profile, construction industry)
IPEInternational Pizza Expo
IPEIntegrated Performance Evaluation (US FEMA)
IPEIn-band Parameter Exchange
IPEIn Path Equipment (computer networking)
IPEIntegrated Platform Electronics
IPEInternet Protocol Encapsulator
IPEInterconnect, Passive & Electromechanical
IPEInstallation de Production d'Énergie (French: Energy Production Facility; various locations)
IPEIndependent Practice Endorsement
IPEIncreased/Improved Performance Engine
IPEInterface Processing Equipment
IPEInter-PRE (Performance Routing Engine) Ethernet (Cisco)
IPEInterpersonal Political Environment




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