Karlovy Vary Upland

Karlovy Vary Upland


an upland in western Czechoslovakia, averaging from 500–700 m in altitude and reaching 983 m at Mount Lesny.

The Karlovy Vary Upland is composed of granites andgneisses in the north and chiefly of amphibolites and mica shalesin the south. Its gently hilly terrain drops off steeply on thenorthwest into the valley of the Ohîe River, which separates theupland from the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains). Spruce forestspredominate, with occasional stands of beech, fir, and pine. Onthe western edge of the region there are numerous mineralsprings, which have stimulated the development of health re-sorts, including Karlovy Vary, Frantiskovy-Läznê, and Ma-riänske-Läznê.