Ivan Trofimovich Khrutskii
Khrutskii, Ivan Trofimovich
Born Jan. 27 (Feb. 8), 1810, in Lepel’ District, Vitebsk Province; died Jan. 1 (13), 1885, on the Zakharenichi estate, near Polotsk. Russian painter.
From 1830 to 1839, Khrutskii studied with A. G. Varnek at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts; he became a member of the academy in 1939. He painted still lifes in a three-dimensional illusionistic manner (Vegetables, Game, and Mushrooms, 1854, Art Museum of the Byelorussian SSR, Minsk). Khrutskii also painted portraits (Portrait of the Artist’s Wife, 1830’s) and interiors noted for the directness of the artist’s powers of observation and, sometimes, for a delicacy of execution.
Drobov, L. N. Zhivopis’ Belorussii XlX-nachala XX veka. Minsk, 1974.Miłobędzka, J. “Jan Chruckinówe dane to życia i twórczosci,” Biuletyn historūsztuki, Warsaw, 1962, no. 2, pp. 171–84.