

单词 ipc
释义 DictionarySeeIAC



Abbrev. for imaging proportional counter. See proportional counter.


(organic chemistry) propham


Inter-Process Communication


(1) (IP Camera) See network camera.

(2) (InterProcess Communication) The exchange of data between one program and another either within the same computer or over a network. An IPC protocol generally expects a response to a request. Examples are Dynamic Data Exchange in Windows and Interapplication Communications in the Mac (see DDE and IAC).

IPCs are performed automatically by the applications. For example, a spreadsheet program might query a database program to retrieve data. A manual example of an IPC is performed when users copy and paste data from one file to another.

(3) (Instructions Per Clock cycle) The number of instructions that can be executed by a CPU in one tick of the clock. This is accomplished by various pipelining techniques that determine which instructions can be executed in parallel and keeping often-used instructions in a cache. See pipeline processing.


IPCInternational Primary Curriculum (education)
IPCInformation and Privacy Commissioner (Ontario, Canada)
IPCInterstate Power Company (various locations)
IPCInternational Patent Classification
IPCInternational Paralympic Committee
IPCInternational Plumbing Code
IPCIndustrial PC (Personal Computer)
IPCAssociation Connecting Electronics Industries (formerly Institute of Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits)
IPCIndice de Precios y Cotizaciones (Spanish: Index of Prices and Quotations; Mexico)
IPCIn-Process Control (life sciences industry)
IPCInformation Processing Center
IPCImmigration Policy Center (American Immigration Law Foundation)
IPCInterpersonal Communication
IPCInstitute of Physical Chemistry
IPCÍndice de Precios al Consumidor (Banco Central de Venezuela)
IPCIncome per Capita (finance)
IPCIndian Penal Code
IPCIntellectual Property Constituency
IPCInterconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits (semiconductors)
IPCInstitute for the Prevention of Crime (University of Ottawa; Canada)
IPCÌndice de Precios al Consumo (Spanish: Consumer Price Index)
IPCIndependent Presbyterian Church (various locations)
IPCIntegrated Primary Care
IPCIdaho Power Company (utility)
IPCInstitute of Philippine Culture
IPCInfrastructure Planning Commission (UK)
IPCInvestment Planning Counsel
IPCIdaho Potato Commission
IPCIstanbul Policy Center (Istanbul, Turkey)
IPCInstructions Per Cycle (computer)
IPCInterprocess Communications
IPCIndividuals, Partnerships, and Corporations
IPCIndwelling Pleural Catheter (fluid tube)
IPCInstitute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits (now IPC Association Connecting Electronics Industries)
IPCInpatient Care
IPCInternational Production Company (Czech Republic)
IPCIndependent Product Consultant (sales)
IPCIp Convergence
IPCInstructions per Cycle
IPCInput Packet Counter
IPCIndustrial Pc
IPCInstrument Panel Controller
IPCInter Process Communication
IPCIntegrated Printed Circuit
IPCIsdn Processing Converter
IPCInternet Pricing Configurator
IPCIntel Precision Cooling
IPCIllustrated Parts Catalog
IPCIntelligent Power Control
IPCImmanuel Presbyterian Church (various locations)
IPCInternational Property Consultants (various locations)
IPCIntegrated Pollution Control
IPCInternational Psoriasis Council (Dallas, TX)
IPCInstructions Per Clock
IPCInternational Pacific College (Palmerston North, New Zealand)
IPCIntelligent Pervasive Computing (Conference)
IPCIntermittent Pneumatic Compression (medical)
IPCInteractive Patient Care (healthcare)
IPCIncredible Pizza Company (various locations)
IPCInstrumentation Process Control (various locations)
IPCInternational Pepper Community
IPCInternational Programs Center
IPCInvasive Plant Control (est. 1997; Nashville, TN)
IPCIncident, Problem and Change (management)
IPCIntegrated Physics and Chemistry
IPCInformation Protection and Control
IPCInternational Pharmaceutical Company (various locations)
IPCIndustrial Process Control
IPCIraq Petroleum Company
IPCIncrement P Corporation (Japan)
IPCEaster Island, Chile - Mataveri (Airport Code)
IPCInternational Permaculture Conference
IPCInternational Program Committee
IPCInsulin-Producing Cell
IPCInternational Press Center (various locations)
IPCInternational Poverty Centre
IPCInjury Prevention Center (various locations)
IPCInstrument Panel Cluster (automotive)
IPCIndustrial Personal Computer
IPCInfection Prevention Control
IPCIndividual Plan of Care (health care; various locations)
IPCIntellectual Property Committee
IPCIntellectual Property Core (computing)
IPCIndustrial Performance Center (MIT)
IPCIberian Poleward Current (meteorology)
IPCInstalled Production Capacity (various companies)
IPCInitial Planning Conference
IPCInitial Planning Conference (US DoD)
IPCIndependent Purchasing Cooperative (Subway)
IPCInternational Pension Centre (UK)
IPCInstitute of Printed Circuits
IPCInternational Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council
IPCInternal Positive Control (biological assay validation)
IPCInterprocessor Communications
IPCInternational Petroleum Corporation
IPCInternational Publishing Corporation
IPCInternational Photographic Council
IPCIntegrated Process Control
IPCInternational Program Coordinator (various organizations)
IPCInstrument Proficiency Check
IPCInjury Prevention Coalition (various locations)
IPCIntegrated Peripheral Controller
IPCInteragency Planning Cell (US DoD)
IPCIntermittent Positive Control (aviation)
IPCInternet Pricing and Configurator (SAP)
IPCInternet Privacy Coalition
IPCIndian Pharmaceutical Congress
IPCInternational Palynological Congress
IPCInternational Printing Company (various locations)
IPCImaging Proportional Counter (Einstein satellite)
IPCInformation Policy Committee (of the IITF)
IPCInterconnect and Packaging Center (Georgia Institute of Technology)
IPCItem per Customer
IPCInvestment Partnerships Canada
IPCInteractive Pictures Corporation (Knoxville, TN)
IPCInteragency Planning Committee
IPCInternational Polychaete Conference
IPCInternet Protocol Communications
IPCInternet Policy Committee (various organizations)
IPCIdentity Protection Center
IPCIncentive Performance Center (Incentive Federation, Inc.)
IPCInstitutional Planning Committee
IPCInternational Postal Corporation
IPCInsurance Professionals of Calgary (Canada)
IPCIntellectual Property Creators
IPCIndustrial Planning Committee
IPCIntegrated Program for Commodities (UN)
IPCInformation Policy Council
IPCIntermediate Processing Center
IPCInstitut Pasteur du Cambodge (French: Pasteur Institute of Cambodia)
IPCInks, Paints, Coatings
IPCInstitute of Petroleum Chemistry (Tomsk, Russia)
IPCInstitute for Polymers and Composites (Portugal)
IPCInterim Payment Certificate
IPCInterim Planning Committee
IPCInitial Point of Contact (Sprint)
IPCInternational Peace Commission (Islamabad, Pakistan)
IPCInterprocess Call
IPCInternet Product Code (EC Direct)
IPCInterconnect Planning Corporation (New York)
IPCInterphase Power Controller
IPCInternet Press Centre (software)
IPCInnovation Process Control, Inc. ( Ontario, Canada)
IPCInput Port Controller (ATM)
IPCIntelligence Producers Council
IPCInsulated Power Cable
IPCInternetworking Product Center (Cisco)
IPCInpatient Consultants Management Inc
IPCIslamic Propagation Center (various locations)
IPCImperfect Coverage
IPCInternational Pepper Conference
IPCInstructor Productivity Center
IPCI Play COD (Call of Duty; gaming)
IPCImage Pacific Communications (Vancouver, BC Canada television production company)
IPCInvention Promotion Company
IPCInformation Programs Center
IPCIndustrial Partnership Council
IPCInternational Penguin Conference
IPCIntegrated Paying and Collecting (System)
IPCInternational Preschool Curriculum
IPCInteraction Pattern Card
IPCInternational Prize Court
IPCInternational Power Controller
IPCInitiatives for Positive Change
IPCIndentured Product Code
IPCImage Processing Controller (US Postal Service)
IPCInternational Potash Company Ltd
IPCInternational Point Code
IPCIsolated Power Center
IPCIntegrated Power Cell
IPCInformacijsko Projektantski Centar
IPCInternational Pole Camp (Canada)
IPCIdentity Protection Consultants, LLC (Honolulu, HI)
IPCIntelligent Protocol Controller
IPCIntegrated Production Cell
IPCIncidental Patient Contact (US NIH)
IPCIndirect Pricing Component (DSAMS)
IPCISDN Processing Converter (Sprint)
IPCInverse Profile Check
IPCIndividual Pending Correspondence
IPCIranian Photographers Centre
IPCIHI (Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries) Plant Construction (Japan)
IPCInterchangeable Pad Compactor
IPCImage Position Correction
IPCIndia Peace Center (Nagpur, India)
IPCIndustrial Process Controls, Inc. (Tennessee)
IPCInternational Poor Concern




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