Ivan Shcheglovitov
Shcheglovitov, Ivan Grigor’evich
Born Feb. 13 (25), 1861; died Sept. 5, 1918. Reactionary state figure of tsarist Russia. Landowner in Chernigov Province.
Shcheglovitov graduated from a school of jurisprudence in 1881. In 1894 he became procurator of the St. Petersburg district court, and in 1903 he was made chief procurator of the criminal appellate department of the Senate. He prosecuted I. P. Kaliaev in 1905. Shcheglovitov served as minister of justice from 1906 until July 1915. One of the organizers of the coup d’etat of June 3, 1907, he was a close associate of P. A. Stolypin and a patron of the League of the Russian People. He was directly involved in organizing the Beilis case.
In 1915, Shcheglovitov was chairman of the congress of monarchists. With the help of G. E. Rasputin he was appointed chairman of the Council of State in 1917. Imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress in the first days of the February Revolution of 1917, Shcheglovitov was executed by order of a revolutionary tribunal.