Ivan Semenovich Shchukin

Shchukin, Ivan Semenovich


Born Apr. 28 (May 10), 1885, in Moscow. Soviet physical geographer. Doctor of geographical sciences (1935). Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1957).

Shchukin graduated from Moscow University in 1911. In 1918 he became a docent in the subdepartment of geography of Moscow State University. From 1935 to 1941 he was a professor and senior research worker at the Geographic Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Shchukin is one of the founders of the Soviet school of geomorphology. In 1944 he organized the subdepartment of geomorphology in the department of geography at Moscow State University and headed the subdepartment from 1944 to 1960. His long years of expeditionary research in the Caucasus and Middle Asia have provided the basis for his works on general and regional geomorphology and physical geography. He has compiled a four-language encyclopedic dictionary of terms of physical geography.

Shchukin has been awarded the Order of Lenin, two other orders, and various medals. Since 1955 he has been an honorary member of the Geographical Society of the USSR. Two peaks in the Gissar-Alai, an inlet on Lake Urup, a mountain range in East Antarctica, and a glacier in the Dzungarian Alatau have been named after Shchukin.


Obshchaia morfologiia sushi, vols. 1–2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1934–38.
Obshchaia geomorfologiia, vols. 1–3. Moscow, 1960–74.
Ocherki geomorfologii Kavkaza, part 1. Moscow, 1926.
Ocherki fizicheskoi geografii Srednei Azii, part 1. Moscow, 1956.
Zhizn gor. Moscow, 1959. (With O. E. Shchukina.)


Gvozdetskii, N. A., and A. I. Spiridonov, “K iubileiu I. S. Shchukina.” In the collection Rel’efi landshafty. Moscow, 1977.