Acronym | Definition |
IP➣Internet Protocol |
IP➣Intellectual Property |
IP➣Instructor Pilot |
IP➣Injured Person |
IP➣Internet Provider |
IP➣International Paper |
IP➣In Particular |
IP➣Information Protection |
IP➣Information Processing |
IP➣Industrial Property |
IP➣International Protection (CENELEC) |
IP➣Infrastructure Protection |
IP➣Image Processing |
IP➣Input |
IP➣In Progress |
IP➣In Person |
IP➣Interested Party |
IP➣Installation Procedure |
IP➣Improved Performance (M1IP upgraded M1 main battle tank) |
IP➣Information Policy |
IP➣In Position |
IP➣Innings Pitched (baseball) |
IP➣Industrial Park |
IP➣Industrial Policy |
IP➣Implementation Plan |
IP➣Industrial Production |
IP➣In Perspective (Stuyvesant High School student magazine, New York City) |
IP➣iPod (Apple) |
IP➣Income Protection (disability insurance) |
IP➣Industrial Protocol |
IP➣Institute of Physics |
IP➣Information Paper |
IP➣Instrument Panel |
IP➣Ipswich (postcode, United Kingdom) |
IP➣Integer Programming |
IP➣Ingress Protection (IEC Standards) |
IP➣Information Provider |
IP➣Interpersonal |
IP➣Industry Practice |
IP➣Innocence Project |
IP➣Internal Protocol |
IP➣Investment Program |
IP➣Important Person |
IP➣Instruction Pointer |
IP➣Information Professional |
IP➣International Partner |
IP➣Iron Pipe |
IP➣Inpatient (healthcare and healthcare billing) |
IP➣Initial Position (US DoD) |
IP➣Induced Polarization |
IP➣Infection Prevention |
IP➣Independence Party |
IP➣Initial Production |
IP➣Interface Program |
IP➣Immunoprecipitation |
IP➣Investment Portfolio |
IP➣Implementation Procedure |
IP➣Intraperitoneal (area within peritoneal cavity containing abdominal organs) |
IP➣Investment Promotion |
IP➣International President |
IP➣Individual Provider |
IP➣Iraqi Police |
IP➣Identity-Preserved (grains) |
IP➣Indiana Pacers |
IP➣International Priority (commerical carriage modality; FedEx) |
IP➣Issue Paper |
IP➣Institute of Petroleum |
IP➣Industry Promotion |
IP➣Initial Point |
IP➣Iberian Peninsula |
IP➣Integrated Process |
IP➣Integration Plan |
IP➣Iron Pin (surveying) |
IP➣Interrupt Process (TELNET Protocol) |
IP➣Interactive Publishing |
IP➣Integrated Program(s) |
IP➣Improvement Plans (land development) |
IP➣Identified Patient (behavior) |
IP➣Interphalangeal |
IP➣Inspection Procedures |
IP➣Installation Plan |
IP➣Information Publication |
IP➣Intersection Point |
IP➣Intelligent Peripheral |
IP➣Integrated Programme (Singapore education program) |
IP➣Intermediate Point |
IP➣Intercessory Prayer |
IP➣Instrument Package |
IP➣Insolvency Petition |
IP➣Intermediate Pressure |
IP➣Interstitial Pneumonia |
IP➣Ionization Potential |
IP➣Incontinentia Pigmenti |
IP➣Individual Protection |
IP➣Infected Premises (US FEMA) |
IP➣Incentive Pay |
IP➣Ischemic Preconditioning |
IP➣Implementing Partner |
IP➣Index Pointer |
IP➣Integrated Packaging |
IP➣Industry Pack |
IP➣Institutional Plan |
IP➣Intensive Production |
IP➣Inspection Plan |
IP➣Injector Pump (diesel fuel systems) |
IP➣Internetworking Protocol (DEC) |
IP➣Indicator Panel |
IP➣Intestinal Permeability |
IP➣Idler Pulley |
IP➣Individual Psychology (Alfred Adler) |
IP➣Intelligence Processing |
IP➣Incineration Plant (waste management facility) |
IP➣Individual Permit |
IP➣Intoxicated Person (law enforcement) |
IP➣Ice Pellets |
IP➣Iron Project |
IP➣Internal Pilot (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) |
IP➣Information and Planning (US FEMA) |
IP➣Instytut Polnocny (Polish: North Institute) |
IP➣Insured Property |
IP➣Illinois Power Company |
IP➣Issue Point (various uses) |
IP➣Isotope Production |
IP➣Imagery Processing |
IP➣Infection Preventionist |
IP➣Indian Pharmacopoeia |
IP➣Intelligence Problem |
IP➣Implementation of Plan |
IP➣Inward Processing |
IP➣Interproject |
IP➣Interpositive (photography) |
IP➣Interim Procedure |
IP➣Internal Publication |
IP➣Intermodulation Product |
IP➣Instruction Pamphlet |
IP➣International Pharmacopoeia |
IP➣Informational Program |
IP➣International Provisioning (Sprint) |
IP➣Isolated Personnel (Joint) |
IP➣Instrument Procedure (aviation) |
IP➣Itinerário Principal |
IP➣Intelligent Pig (pipeline industry) |
IP➣Interactive Processor |
IP➣Interrupt Priority Register (Intel 8051 Microcontroller register) |
IP➣Initial Pressing |
IP➣Indian Posse (prison gang) |
IP➣Indexed Price |
IP➣Isolated Platform |
IP➣Indigenous Personnel |
IP➣Intelligence Plot |
IP➣Inter Positive (cinema materials products) |
IP➣Irresistible Poison (fanfiction) |
IP➣Intermediate Processor |
IP➣Information Plaque |
IP➣Instruction Plate |
IP➣Identification of Position |
IP➣Infantry Portal (Natural Selection computer game) |
IP➣Inhalable Particle |
IP➣Immersible Pump |
IP➣Irish Pennant (Navy slang for loose strings on a uniform) |
IP➣Iniciació a la Programació (Polythecnic University of Catalonia course) |
IP➣Intelligence Peripheral |
IP➣Immediate Past Office (except National Commodore) |
IP➣ISDN Access Port (ITU-T) |
IP➣Imagery Analysis Paper (NIMA) |
IP➣Instituti I Pyjeve (Albanian: Forest and Pasturage Institute) |
IP➣Inspector of Penitentiary |