John King Fairbank

Fairbank, John King


Born May 24, 1907, in Huron, S. D. American sinologist.

From 1936 to 1941, Fairbank was a professor at Harvard University; he returned to the university as a professor in 1946. A representative of the liberal school of American sinology, he has written several important monographs on modern and current Chinese history. After World War II, Fairbank helped reorganize the teaching of Oriental studies in the USA; as a result of this restructuring, primary emphasis came to be placed on the interdisciplinary and regional study of the East.


The United States and China, 3rd ed. Cambridge, 1971.
Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast: The Opening of the Treaty Ports, 1842–1854, vols. 1–2. Cambridge, 1953–54.
China’s Response to the West: A Documentary Survey, 1839–1923. New York, 1963. (With Têng Ssu-yü.)
A History of East Asian Civilization, vols. 1–2. Boston [1960–65]. (With E. O. Reischauer.)