Ivan Mateev Stefanov
Stefanov, Ivan Mateev
Born Mar. 3, 1899, in Varna. Bulgarian economist and statistician. Academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1947); member of the International Statistical Institute since 1966. Member of the Bulgarian Communist Party since 1919, of the Communist Party of Germany from 1920 to 1925, and of the French Communist Party from 1925 to 1927.
Stefanov graduated from the University of Berlin in 1924. He worked in Soviet trade offices in Berlin and Paris from 1925 to 1927 and at the International Agrarian Institute in Moscow in 1931. From 1927 to 1937 he was on the staff of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party. From 1937 to 1946 he was head of the subdepartment of statistics at the Higher Institute of Economics and Finance in Svishtov. In 1945 he served as director of the Bulgarian National Bank. From 1946 to 1949 he was Bulgaria’s minister of finance.
Stefanov is the author of works on statistics and the application of mathematics to economics.
Obshcha teoriia na statistikata. Sofia, 1939.Vunshnata turgoviia na Bulgariiasled voinite. Sofia, 1939.
Vurkhu strukturata i iztochnitsite na finansovoto stopanstvo v Bulgariia. Sofia, 1935.
Kapitalovlozheniiata v NR Bulgariia. Sofia, 1959.
Teoriia na statistikata. Sofia, 1960. (With A. Iu. Totev.)