Ivan Ivanovich Tumanov
Tumanov, Ivan Ivanovich
Born June 18 (30), 1894, in the village of Andreevo, Moscow Oblast. Soviet plant physiologist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1953.
Tumanov graduated from the Kiev Agricultural Institute in 1923. From 1925 to 1942 he worked at the All-Union Institute of Horticulture in Leningrad, and in 1940 he joined the staff of the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He became a professor at the latter institute in 1947.
Tumanov primarily investigated the winterhardiness, drought resistance, moisture requirements, and fruiting of agricultural crops. He developed laboratory methods for determining drought resistance (the wilting method) and frost resistance of winter and fruit crops. He substantiated the three stages in the development of frost resistance in plants. Tumanov also developed methods of hardening and showed the possibility of producing freeze-resistant plants in the laboratory by hardening and very rapid cooling (vitrification of the protoplast). The design and construction of the first phytotron (artificial growth chamber) in the USSR were under his direction.
Tumanov has been awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and various medals.
Fiziologicheskie osnovy zimostoikosti kul’tumykh rastenii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1940.Osnovnye dostizheniia sovetskoi nauki v izuchenii morozostoikosti rastenii. Moscow, 1951.
“Vliianie organov plodonosheniia na materinskoe rastenie.” Trudy Instituía fiziologii rastenii im. K. A. Timiriazeva, 1951, vol. 7, fase. 2. (With E. Z. Gareev.)