Jan Kalinciak
Kalinčiak, Jan
Born Aug. 10, 1822, in Horné Zaturče, a suburb of Martin; died June 16, 1871, in Martin. Slovak writer. Son of a priest.
Kalinčiak was a teacher. He began his writing career as a poet but is known chiefly as an outstanding master of Slovak romantic prose. He was associated with the romantic school of L. Stur. In historical short stories and novellas (Milkos Grave, 1845–46) and the novel The Prince of Liptov (1852), Kalinčiak defended the ideas of the national liberation struggle. He did not always remain within the confines of romanticism. In the novella The Election (1860) he showed the everyday life and morals of the petty gentry in a realistic and truthful manner; a Slovak film of the same title was made from the novella in 1957.
Spisy, vols. 1–4. Martin, 1951–52.In Russian translation:
“Vybory.” In Slovatskie povesti i rasskazy. Moscow, 1953.
Bogdanova, I. A. “Ian Kalinchak.” Istoriia slovatskoi literatury. Moscow, 1970.Dějiny slovenskej literatury. Bratislava, 1960. Pages 260–68.