

单词 iso



(word root) equalExamples of words with the root iso-: isometric


I0249650 (ī′ĕs-ō′)n. An organization, the International Organization for Standardization, that sets standards in many businesses and technologies, including computing and communications.
[From Greek īsos, equal.]


(ˈaɪsəʊ) n (Units) International Organization for Standardization[Greek isos equal; often wrongly thought to be an abbreviation for International Standards Organization]


International Standardization Organization.


a combining form meaning “equal”: isochromatic; in chemistry, used in the names of substances that are isomeric with the substance denoted by the base word: isocyanic acid. Also, esp. before a vowel, is-. [< Greek, comb. form of ísos equal]



Abbrev. for Infrared Space Observatory, an orbiting infrared astronomy observatory launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) on top of an Ariane-4 rocket from Kourou, French Guiana, Nov. 1995. The 2.5-tonne, 5.3-meter-long ISO was the most sensitive infrared satellite of its time, using four detectors cryogenically cooled by liquid helium to capture and study weak infrared radiation from such sources as cold gas and dust clouds and regions of star birth and star death, as well as quasars and remote galaxies. Lying in the focal plane of a telescope with a 60-centimeter mirror, the four detectors were (1) an infrared camera (ISOCAM) covering the range 2.5–17 μm; (2) a photopolarimeter (ISOPHOT) functioning between 2.5 and 240 μm; (3) a shortwave spectrometer covering the 2.4–45 μm band; and (4) a longwave spectrometer operating between 45 and 196.8 μm. These instruments revealed numerous hitherto unknown objects that were ‘visible’ only in infrared light. The satellite operated for about 30 months. Its mission ended in Apr. 1998 when its coolant finally ran out.



a lime-sulfur chemical decoction for combating mites and ticks (acaricide).

International Standards Organization, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

A body which promotes the development of world-wide standards and which publishes such standards.


International Organization for Standardization


(1) For the light measurement standard, see ISO speed.

(2) For the optical disc format standard, see ISO image.

(3) (International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland, www.iso.ch) An organization that sets international standards, founded in 1946. The U.S. member body is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). ISO deals with all fields except electrical and electronics, which is governed by the older International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). With regard to information processing, ISO and IEC created JTC1, the Joint Technical Committee for information technology.

ISO carries out its work through more than 185 technical committees and 2,700 subcommittees and working groups and is made up of standards organizations from more than 95 countries, some of them serving as secretariats for these technical bodies.

Full, Correspondent and Subscriber Members
Of the 164 ISO member bodies, more than a hundred are full members that influence ISO standards development. Approximately 50 Correspondent members attend meetings as observers. A handful of Subscriber members stay up-to-date on ISO activities but do not sell or adopt ISO standards nationally as do all the others. See ISO/IEC.



International Organization for Standardization.



See: International Organization for Standardization.

International Organization for Standardization

A non-governmental organization that sets standard codes for countries and currencies. ISO sets the ISO 3166 codes for countries and provinces, which are used in international banking transactions and shipping. Likewise, it sets the ISO 4217 codes for individual currencies. ISO has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and, because its standards are usually adopted into the law of member states, it is more powerful than most other NGOs.

Incentive stock option (ISO).

Corporate executives may be granted incentive stock options (ISOs), also called qualifying stock options. These options aren't taxed when they're granted or exercised, but only when the underlying shares are sold.

If, after exercising the options, participating executives keep the shares for the required period, any earnings from selling the shares are taxed at the owner's long-term capital gains rate.

However, stock option transactions may make sellers vulnerable to the alternative minimum tax (AMT).




ISOIn Search Of
ISO[not an acronym] common short name for the International Organization for Standardization; also see Iso- prefix
ISOInternational Standards Organization (common, but incorrect)
ISOInstead Of
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ISOIn Support Of
ISOInternational Student Organization
ISOIsolation (sports play-calling, especially basketball)
ISOIsochronous (band)
ISOInformation Security Officer
ISOInformation Security Operations (various organizations)
ISOIndependent System Operator
ISOIsolated Power (baseball statistic)
ISOIncentive Stock Option
ISOInfrared Space Observatory
ISOInternational Socialist Organization
ISOInsurance Services Office, Inc. (CMSP and PLSP statistics are reported to this rate making organization)
ISOInsurance Service Organization
ISOIndianapolis Symphony Orchestra
ISOInternational Student Office (various universities)
ISOInternal Sales Order
ISOInternational Science Olympiad
ISOIndependent Sales Organization
ISOImperial Service Order
ISOIndependent Service Organization
ISOIndian Student Organization
ISOIndependent Sales Office
ISOImamia Students Organization (Pakistan)
ISOInformation Systems Office
ISOInformation Systems Officer
ISOInternational Standards Organization
ISOInterstedelijk Studenten Overleg (Netherlands student organization)
ISOIllinois Symphony Orchestra
ISOIstanbul Sanayi Odasi
ISOInformation Services Organisation (various locations)
ISOInstallation Safety Office
ISOIntensive Supervision Officer
ISOIsolierverglasung (German: insulating glass)
ISOIntermediary Services Organization
ISOIndependent Study Online (distance learning)
ISOInspection of Services
ISOIntraseasonal Oscillation
ISOIndustry Standards Organization (IEEE-ISTO)
ISOInternational Society of Organbuilders
ISOInsurance Support Organization
ISOInternational Scholar Office (University of California, San Diego)
ISOIsochronal Inspection (USAF; scheduled maintenance for aircraft)
ISOInspection of Supplies
ISOIntermarket Sweep Order (finance)
ISOKinston, NC, USA (Airport Code)
ISOImaging Spectrometric Observatory
ISOImperial Symphony Orchestra
ISOImpuesto de Solidaridad (Guatemala)
ISOIntegration Staff Officer
ISOIsrael Symphony Orchestra (est. 1988)
ISOIsochronical Inspection (USAF; phase of aircraft maintenance)
ISOIntelligence and Security Office(r)
ISOInternational Satellite Organization
ISOInstructional Services Office (various schools)
ISOInternal Service Order
ISOInstitutional Support Office
ISOInstallation Support Office
ISOInstallation Supply Officer
ISOInternet Sales Outlet
ISOOpen System Interfacing
ISOIstanbul Sanayi Odasý (Turkish: Istanbul Chamber of Industy)
ISOIndependent Scholar Option
ISOImmigrant Serving Organization (Canada)
ISOInterservice Support Office
ISOInternational Switch Operations
ThesaurusSeeincentive stock option




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