Janet test

Ja·net test

(zhah-nā'), to distinguish between functional or organic anesthesia; the patient, eyes closed, is told to say "yes" or "no" on feeling (or not) the touch of the examiner's finger. In functional anesthesia, the patient may say "no" when an anesthetic area is touched. In organic anesthesia, the patient will say nothing, being unaware that he is touched.

Ja·net test

(zhah-nā' test) A test for functional or organic anesthesia; the patient (with eyes closed) is told to say "yes" or "no" on feeling (or not) the touch of the examiner's finger; in the case of functional anesthesia the patient may say "no" when an anesthetic area is touched, but will say nothing, being unaware of being touched, in cases of organic anesthesia.


Pierre M.F., French neurologist, 1859-1947. Janet disease - psychasthenia.Janet test - a test for functional or organic anesthesia.

Ja·net test

(zhah-nā' test) Method to distinguish between functional or organic anesthesia.