Jimmie Davis State Park

Jimmie Davis State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Louisiana
Location:12 miles east of Jonesboro off LA 4.
Facilities:9 premium campsites (all prime waterfront locations with water andelectric hookups), 64 improved campsites, 17 cabins, 17 lodges, groupcamp, comfort stations, picnic area, group shelters, playground,trails, swimming beach and bathhouse, 2 fishing piers, bait shop, 2boat launches.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, bicycling, birding.
Special Features:Park sits on a peninsula that juts into 4,970-acre Caney Lake. It isnamed for Jimmie Davis, who was governor of Louisiana from 1944-48 and1960-64 and was also famous as a country-western and gospel singer.
Address:1209 State Park Rd
Chatham, LA 71226

Phone: 888-677-2263;
Web: www.crt.state.la.us/parks/ijimmiedavis.aspx
Size: 294 acres.

See other parks in Louisiana.