a revolutionary democratic organization of poor peasants in northern Ossetia that arose in the summer of 1917. It was named after the legendary folk hero Chermen (Kermen in Digor), a peasant serf who died in the early 19th century in the struggle against feudal lords.
Kermen was organized by representatives of the revolutionary intelligentsia who were sons of poor peasants. Among the organizers were D. Gibizov, N. Kesaev, and A. Gostiev. The first Kermen cell was established in the village of Khristianovskoe (present-day Digora), and a party central committee headed by Gibizov was organized in Vladikavkaz on Oct. 1 (14), 1917. By late 1917, Kermen had about 1,000 members. Kermen’s main political demands included the liquidation of the landowning class (aldaro-badeliat), the confiscation of their lands, and national equality. On all questions concerning the revolution the Kermenites took the same position as the Bolsheviks. The fighting peasant detachments formed by Kermen fought against the counterrevolution in Ossetia and on the Terek River. Many Kermenites died in combat, including its organizers and prominent members: Gibizov, Gostiev, Kesaev, and G. Tsagolov. In April 1918, Kermen merged with the Bolshevik Party, which was followed by the formation of the Ossetian district organization of the RCP (Bolshevik) under the name of Kermen. In 1920, S. M. Kirov characterized Kermen as a Bolshevik party adapted to Ossetian conditions.
Istoriia Severo-Osetinskoi ASSR, vol. 2: Sovetskii period. [Ordzhonikidze] 1966. Pages 21–26, 45.Totoev, M. S. Ocherk istorii revoliutsionnogo dvizheniia ν Severnoi Osetii (1917–1920 gg.). Ordzhonikidze, 1957.