Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park

Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Texas
Location:Along the Rio Grande River, 5 miles southwest of Mission.
Facilities:Campsites with full hookups, primitive campsites, youth group camp, showers, restrooms, picnic areas, day-use group facility, hiking trails, interpretive trails, boat ramp, bird observation blinds, game courts, playground (é).
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, hiking, backpacking, bicycling, birding, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park is headquarters of the World Birding Center and is known as a treasure trove of birds found nowhere else in the US except deepest South Texas. Found here also are so-called "Mexican vagrants," which are birds rarely seen on this side of the Rio Grande.
Address:2800 Bensen Palm Dr
Mission, TX 78572

Size: 760 acres.

See other parks in Texas.