Ivan Ivanovich Anisimov
Anisimov, Ivan Ivanovich
Born Feb. 4 (16), 1899, in the village of Glotovka, Smolensk Province; died June 10, 1966, in Moscow. Soviet literary scholar. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR from 1960. Member of the CPSU from 1939. Director of the Gorky Institute of World Literature from 1952 to 1966.
Anisimov began publishing in 1927 and is the author of articles on J. Becher, S. Zweig, L. Feuchtwanger, E. Zola, H. Barbusse, R. Rolland, B. Shaw, T. Dreiser, and other writers. The basic themes of Anisimov’s works are the elucidation of the role played by the classical heritage of foreign literature in contemporary times, as well as the development of problems of socialist realism in world literature. Anisimov was awarded two orders and several medals.
“Sotsialisticheskii realizm i novyi oblik pisatelia.” In the collection Problemy sotsialisticheskogo realizma. Moscow, 1959.Klassicheskoe nasledstvo i sovremennost’. Moscow, 1960.
Novata epokha vsemirnoi literatury. Moscow, 1966,
Knipovich, E. “Istoriia i sovremennost’.” Znamia, 1960, no. 12.“Pamiati I. I. Anisimova.” Inostrannaia literatura,1966, no. 7.
Trushchenko, E. F. “Po puti, otkrytomu Oktiabrem.” Voprosy literatury,1967, no. 7.