Ivan Iuvachev

Iuvachev, Ivan Pavlovich


(pen name, I. P. Miroliubov). Born Feb. 23 (Mar. 6), 1860, in St. Petersburg; died 1936 in Leningrad (?). Russian revolutionary; member of the People’s Will. Michman (ensign).

The son of a palace floor polisher, Iuvachev graduated from the Naval School in St. Petersburg in 1878 and served on the Black Sea. In 1881, in Nikolaev, he became an associate of M. Iu. Ashenbrenner; he organized a People’s Will group of naval officers. In February 1883 he was betrayed by S. P. Degaev and arrested. Iuvachev was condemned to death in the Trial of the 14, but the sentence was subsequently commuted to 15 years’ hard labor. Until 1886 he served his sentence at the Shlissel’burg Fortress, where he became mentally ill. Subsequently transferred to Sakhalin, he remained on the island until 1895. In 1897 he returned to European Russia, where he became a contributor to Istoricheskii vestnik.

Iuvachev made a journey to the Middle East and took part in several geographic expeditions.


Vosem’ let na Sakhaline. St. Petersburg, 1901.
Mezhdu mirom i monastyrem: Ocherki i rasskazy. St. Petersburg, 1903.
Shlissel’burgskaia kreposl’. Moscow, 1907.


Ashenbrenner, M. Iu. Voennaia organizatsiia “Narodnoi voli” i drugie vospominaniia (1860–1904). Moscow, 1924.
Selivanov, V. Moriaki-narodovol’tsy. Moscow, 1931.