Ivan Iastrzhembskii

Iastrzhembskii, Ivan L’vovich


(also I. Ferdinand Iastrzhembskii). Born 1814 in Minsk Province; died 1880’s. Member of the Petrashevskii circle.

Born into the nobility, Iastrzhembskii graduated from the University of Kharkov in 1841. He taught political economy and statistics at the Communications Institute of the Corps of Engineers and at the Technological Institute in St. Petersburg. Beginning in the fall of 1848, Iastrzhembskii took part in the weekly Friday gatherings at the home of M. V. Petrashevskii, where he gave lectures on political economy that were influenced by Fourierism. Arrested on Apr. 23, 1849, he was sentenced to be shot; the sentence was subsequently commuted to six years’ hard labor. In 1857, Iastrzhembskii regained his noble status, and in 1872 he was removed from police surveillance.


“Memuarpetrashevtsa.” Minuvshie gody, 1908, no. 1.