Ivan Iakovlevich Shevyrev
Shevyrev, Ivan Iakovlevich
Born 1859 in Kharkov; died July 7, 1920. Russian entomologist.
Shevyrev graduated from the University of Kharkov in 1883. He worked at the Institute of Forestry in St. Petersburg from 1887 to 1897 and at the Department of Forestry of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property from 1898 to 1917. His main works deal with forest entomology, primarily bark beetles (Ipidae) and other arboreal pests. Shevyrev initiated the study of insects in man-made steppe forests. He wrote a number of works on parasitic Hymenoptera and proposed a precise method for studying their larvae. Shevyrev originated the use of plant intoxication for the destruction of pests.
Opisanie vrednykh nasekomykh stepnykh lesnichestv i sposobov bor’by s nimi. St. Petersburg, 1893.Zagadka koroedov, 3rd ed. St. Petersburg, 1910.
Parazity i sverkhparazity iz mira nasekomykh, issue 1. St. Petersburg, 1912.
“Vnekornevoe pitanie bol’nykh derev’ev s tsel’iu ikh lecheniia i unichtozheniia parazitov.” Sel’skoe khoziaistvo i lesovodstvo, 1903, vol. 210, no. 4.