Ivan Gurzhii

Gurzhii, Ivan Aleksandrovich


Born Sept. 2 (15), 1915, in the village of Khudiaki, in present-day Cherkassy Raion, Cherkassy Oblast. Soviet historian. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1958). Member of the CPSU since 1954.

Gurzhii graduated from the history department at the University of Odessa in 1941. He became a professor in 1955, the deputy director of the Historical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in 1958, and deputy chairman of the social sciences division of the academy in 1961. During 1963–68 he was secretary academician of the division of economics, history, philosophy, and law of the academy. Since 1969 he has been deputy director and supervisor of the division of historiography and the study of sources at the Historical Institute of the academy. His main works deal with the social, economic, and political history of the Ukraine in the second half of the 18th century and in the 19th century.


Rozklad feodal’no-kriposnyts’koi systemy v sil’skomu hospodarstvi Ukrainy pershoi polovyny XIX st. Kiev, 1954.
Borot’ba selian i robitnykiv Ukrainy proty feodal’no-kriposnyts’ko-ho hnitu (z 80-kh rokiv XVIII st. do 1861 r). Kiev, 1958.
Zarodzhennia robitnychoho klasu Ukrainy (kinets’ XVIII-persha polovyna XIX st.). Kiev, 1958.
Rozvytok tovarnoho vyrobnytstva i torhivli na Ukraini (z kintsia XVIII st. do 1861 r.). Kiev, 1962.
Ukraina v systemi vserosiis’koho rynku 60–90-kh rokiv XIX st. Kiev, 1968.
Fridrikh Enhel’s pro Ukrainu. Kiev, 1970.


I. O. Hurzhii: Bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk. L’vov, 1965.