(as) safe as houses

(as) safe as houses

Extremely secure or well protected. The phrase alludes to the idea of "home" as a safe haven or shelter. I locked your jewelry in a drawer, so it's as safe as houses. No matter what happens in coming months, your position in this company is safe as houses.See also: house, safe

safe as houses

Totally secure, as in If you buy Treasury bonds, your money will be safe as houses but you won't get a large return . In today's security-conscious climate, where alarm systems to deter housebreaks have become increasingly common, this simile may seem puzzling. Presumably it uses house in the sense of "a shelter from the elements." [Late 1800s] See also: house, safe

safe as houses

BRITISHIf something is as safe as houses, it is very safe and reliable. Both managers can count on one thing — their jobs are safe as houses. If you think building society cheques are as safe as houses, think again.See also: house, safe

safe as houses

thoroughly or completely safe. BritishSee also: house, safe

(as) safe as ˈhouses

(British English) very safe; not dangerous: Investing your money with us is as safe as houses.See also: house, safe