John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge at Pettaquamscutt Cove

John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge at Pettaquamscutt Cove

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:c/o Rhode Island NWR Complex
PO Box 307
Charlestown, RI 02813

Established: 1988 as Pettaquamscutt Cove NWR; renamed in 1999.
Location:In the towns of Narragansett and South Kingstown, Rhode Island.
Activities:Saltwater fishing, environmental education.
Special Features:The refuge has been identified as the most important black duck migration and wintering habitat in Rhode Island.
Habitats: 317 acres of salt marshes, tidal sandflats, grasslands, and shrub land.
Access: Year round during daylight hours; not readily accessible by road, boat or kayak is the best way to get there.
Wild life: Important migration and wintering habitat for a variety of waterfowl and other birds, including wading birds, shorebirds such as plovers and sandpipers, and osprey.

See other parks in Rhode Island.