Janes Island State Park
Janes Island State Park
Location:In Somerset County, near Crisfield via MD 13 to MD 413 in Westover,then 11 miles to Plantation Road, turn right, then 1.5 miles to parkentrance.
Facilities:104 improved campsites (tent or vehicle campers; 5 sites @di), 4 logcabins (1 @di), 5 camper cabins, picnic area, 2 pavilions, canoe trail,boat launch, canoe/kayak rentals, camp store, restrooms (é),nature/environmental education center (é), conference center.
Activities:Camping, canoeing, saltwater fishing, crabbing, swimming, hiking, hunting, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Almost completely surrounded by the waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its inlets, the park includes the developed mainland section (with cabins and camping areas) and an island accessible only by boat. Most of the waterways are protected from wind and current, providing ideal conditions for the novice as well as the experienced canoeist.
Address:26280 Alfred Lawson Dr
Crisfield, MD 21817
Web: www.dnr.state.md.us/publiclands/eastern/janesisland.html
Size: 3,147 acres.
See other parks in Maryland.