Jean Baptiste Perroneau

Perroneau, Jean Baptiste


(also J. B. Perronneau). Born in 1715 in Paris; died Nov. 19, 1783, in Amsterdam. French painter.

Perroneau and M. Q. de La Tour are the two greatest masters of French pastel portraiture. Perroneau’s works are notable for the relative freedom with which they are drawn and for their delicate color harmonies. The artist preferred formal portraits, ordinarily quarter-length and less often half-length, in which he usually stressed his models’ gentleness and contemplativeness. He sought to bring out the inner charm of people, who often appeared ordinary and who were not members of high society. Most of Perroneau’s clients were provincial nobles and members of the bourgeoisie.


Zolotov, Iu. K. Frantsuzskii portret XVIII veka. Moscow, 1968. Pages 111-28.