Jim Crowism
Jim Crowism
(from Jim Crow, a derogatory common noun used to denote Negroes in the USA), a system of racist measures and traditions directed at the perpetuation of segregation of and discrimination against the Negroes in the USA. It is practiced in job placement, wages, education, public health, housing, transport, and politics, including electoral rights. This system was created by the ruling circles of the USA in the last third of the 19th century and the early 20th century in order to oppress and exploit American Negroes and divide the democratic and workers’ movement in the country. Progressive forces in the USA struggle against Jim Crowism.
Foster, W. Z. Negritianskii narod v istorii Ameriki. Moscow, 1955. (Translated from English.)Koroleva, A. P. 20 millionov protiv Dzhima Krou. Moscow, 1967.