

单词 ion-exchange resin
释义 DictionarySeeanion exchange

ion-exchange resin

ion-exchange resin

[′ī‚än iks‚chānj ‚rez·ən] (materials) A synthetic resin that can combine or exchange ions with a solution; such a resin produces the exchange of sodium for calcium ions in the softening of hard water.

ion-exchange resin

ion-ex·change chro·ma·tog·ra·phy

(ī'on-eks-chānj' krō'mă-tog'ră-fē) Chemical investigation in which cations or anions in the mobile phase are separated by electrostatic interactions with the stationary phase.
See also: anion exchange, cation exchange

cat·i·on ex·change

(kat'ī-on eks-chānj') The process by which a cation in a liquid phase exchanges with another cation present as the counter-ion of a negatively charged solid polymer (cation exchanger). Cation exchange may be used chromatographically, to separate cations, and medicinally, to remove a cation.
See also: anion exchange

an·i·on ex·change

(an'ī-on eks-chānj') The process by which an anion in a mobile (liquid) phase exchanges with another anion previously bound to a solid, positively charged phase, the latter being an anion exchanger. Anion exchange may also be used chromatographically, to separate anions, and medicinally, to remove an anion (e.g., Cl-) from gastric contents or bile acids in the intestine.

ion-exchange resin

An ionizable synthetic substance, which may be acid or basic, used accordingly to remove either acid or basic ions from solutions. Anion-exchange resins are used to absorb acid in the stomach, and cation-exchange resins are used to remove basic (alkaline) ions from solutions. See also: resin




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