Ismail Habib Sevük
Sevük, Ismail Habib
Born 1892 in Edremit; died Jan. 17, 1954, in Istanbul. Turkish writer and literary critic.
In 1914, Sevük graduated from the law faculty of the University of Istanbul and subsequently taught literature. He served as a deputy to the Grand National Assembly. During the revolution of national liberation (1918–23), he was a contributor to the newspapers lzmire doğru and Açiksöz. Sevük gained recognition for his History of Turkish Renaissance Literature (1925), although some of the information in the work is not reliable. He also wrote the essays West of the Danube (1935) and On the Native Land (1943) and the memoirs Those Times (1936) and About Atatürk(1939).
Edebi yeniliğimiz, vols. 1–2, 1931–32.Avrupa edebiyati ve biz, vols. 1–2. Istanbul, 1940–41.
Edebiyati bilgileri. Istanbul, 1942.
Kocatürk, V. M. Edebiyati tarihi. Ankara, 1964.Necatigil, B. Edebiyatimizda isimler sözlüğü, 7th ed. Istanbul, 1972.