Acronym | Definition |
ISM➣International Symposium on Microarchitecture |
ISM➣Institute for Supply Management |
ISM➣Industrial, Scientific and Medical (radio spectrum) |
ISM➣International Solidarity Movement |
ISM➣Incredible Sweater Machine |
ISM➣International Safety Management |
ISM➣Integrated Safety Management (US Department of Energy) |
ISM➣International Spy Museum (Washington, DC) |
ISM➣International Maritime Organization |
ISM➣Information Security Manual (Australia) |
ISM➣Interstellar Medium |
ISM➣Industrial Sewing Machine (various organizations) |
ISM➣International School of Management (New York, Paris, Tokyo) |
ISM➣Information Security Management |
ISM➣Illinois State Museum (Springfield, IL) |
ISM➣In-Kind Support and Maintenance (supplemental disability benefit) |
ISM➣Information Systems Management |
ISM➣In Samenwerking Met (Dutch) |
ISM➣Institute of Structural Mechanics (various locations) |
ISM➣Ministerium des Innern und für Sport (Ministry of the Interior and of Sports; Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) |
ISM➣International Supply Management |
ISM➣Information Services Manager |
ISM➣Information Systems Modelling |
ISM➣Independent School Management |
ISM➣Indian School of Mines (Dhabi, India) |
ISM➣Intersite Messaging Service |
ISM➣Ibm Session Manager |
ISM➣Internetwork Status Monitor |
ISM➣Integrated Safety Management |
ISM➣Internet Service Manager |
ISM➣Image Switch Menu |
ISM➣Institute of Statistical Mathematics |
ISM➣Image Support Module |
ISM➣International Service Manager |
ISM➣Infrared Sensor Module |
ISM➣Interior Shading Method |
ISM➣I-Control Services Manager |
ISM➣Intrushield Security Manager |
ISM➣Intel Server Management |
ISM➣Incremental Search Method |
ISM➣Integrated Service Management |
ISM➣Image Source Method |
ISM➣Industrial Security Manual (US DoD 5220.22-M) |
ISM➣It Still Moves (My Morning Jacket album) |
ISM➣Indian System of Medicines |
ISM➣Incorporated Society of Musicians |
ISM➣Intimate Shared Memory |
ISM➣Institut Supérieur des Métiers (French: Higher Institute of Trades; est. 1990) |
ISM➣Internet Service Manager (Microsoft) |
ISM➣Ice Sheet Model (environmental science) |
ISM➣Interstellar Matter |
ISM➣International Symposium on Multimedia |
ISM➣Independence Seaport Museum (Philadelphia, PA) |
ISM➣International Sales Management, LLC (Indian Springs, AL) |
ISM➣Industrial Strength Marketing (Brentwood, TN) |
ISM➣Instructional Staff Member |
ISM➣Interpretive Structural Modeling |
ISM➣In-Store Marketing |
ISM➣Industrial Security Manual |
ISM➣Intelligent Storage Management |
ISM➣Independent Student Media |
ISM➣Installation Support Module |
ISM➣Ingeniería y Sistemas Mecánicos (Spanish: Engineering and Mechanical Systems) |
ISM➣Instructional Supplies and Materials (education fee; Canada) |
ISM➣Integrated Software Metrics |
ISM➣Inductor Super Magnetron |
ISM➣International School, Manila (Philippines) |
ISM➣Integrated Supplier Management (Capability Maturity Model Integration) |
ISM➣Information Technology Security Magazine |
ISM➣Induction/Synchronous Motor |
ISM➣Integrated Security Management |
ISM➣Integrated System Management |
ISM➣Imperiled Species Management (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission) |
ISM➣International Spaceflight Museum (virtual museum) |
ISM➣Information Security Markings (national intelligence) |
ISM➣Integrated Services Module |
ISM➣Information Systems Management Corporation |
ISM➣International Student Ministries |
ISM➣Institut des Sciences des Microstructures (French; Canada) |
ISM➣Intel Server Manager (software) |
ISM➣Integrated Software Management |
ISM➣Industry Standard Module |
ISM➣In-Transit Service Manager (aviation) |
ISM➣Institut Suisse de Météorologie (Swiss Weather Institute) |
ISM➣International School of Minnesota |
ISM➣Induction Squirrel Motor |
ISM➣Integrated Sustainment Maintenance (Army) |
ISM➣I, Self, Me (recovery) |
ISM➣Incredibly Short Memory |
ISM➣IntruShield Security Manager (software) |
ISM➣Information System Manager |
ISM➣Interactive Storage Media |
ISM➣Inverted Slot-Mode (microwave theory) |
ISM➣Institut Sainte-Marie |
ISM➣International Systems Marketing, Inc. |
ISM➣I Sabotage Myself |
ISM➣Information Sources Map |
ISM➣Insensitive Munitions |
ISM➣ISDN Standards Management |
ISM➣Institute Sergeant Major (Singapore Armed Forces) |
ISM➣IBM (International Business Machines) Session Manager (IBM Corp.) |
ISM➣Intensive Support and Monitoring Service (UK) |
ISM➣Internet Search Metrics (various locations) |
ISM➣Identity and Security Management (software) |
ISM➣Institute of Science and Management (Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia) |
ISM➣In Service Measurement |
ISM➣Implicit Space Mapping |
ISM➣Institute of Supervisory Management |
ISM➣International Surfing Museum (Huntington Beach, CA) |
ISM➣Integrated Sight Module |
ISM➣Input Signal Management |
ISM➣Integrated Structural Model (Bentley Systems, Inc.) |
ISM➣In-Service Manager |
ISM➣Input Source Manager |
ISM➣Interactive Services Menu (interactive TV, WAP) |
ISM➣Installation Spectrum Manager |
ISM➣In-Flight Service Manager |
ISM➣Industry-Sponsored Marketplace (B2B term for trading sites run by large corporations for supply or sell sides) |
ISM➣International Staple and Machine Company |
ISM➣Integrated Shadow Mask |
ISM➣Information Santé Multimédia (Information System Medical) |
ISM➣Information Systems Modernization |
ISM➣Intensive Site Monitoring |
ISM➣Independent Subcarrier Method |
ISM➣Investment Simulation Model |
ISM➣Image Storage Module(s) |
ISM➣Interactive Satellite Multi-Media |
ISM➣Internal Specifications Maintenance |
ISM➣Inventory Service Manager |
ISM➣Integrated Safety Manager |
ISM➣Interacting State Machine (Siemens/Infineon SLE66 microcontroller for chip cards) |
ISM➣Integrated Situation Management |
ISM➣Intelligence, Surveillance and Monitoring |
ISM➣Industrial Staff Member |
ISM➣Institute Safety Management |
ISM➣International Software Marketing, Incorporated |
ISM➣Installable Software Module |
ISM➣iSearch Media, LLC |
ISM➣Improved Single Map |
ISM➣Independent Stimulation Model |
ISM➣Ironsmith Machine (Ontario, Canada) |