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-ismsuff.1. Action; process; practice: terrorism.2. Characteristic behavior or quality: heroism.3. a. State; condition; quality: pauperism.b. State or condition resulting from an excess of something specified: strychninism.4. Distinctive or characteristic trait: Latinism.5. a. Doctrine; theory; system of principles: pacifism.b. An attitude of prejudice against a given group: racism. [Middle English -isme, from Old French, from Latin -ismus, from Greek -ismos, n. suff.]-ism suffix forming nouns 1. indicating an action, process, or result: criticism; terrorism. 2. indicating a state or condition: paganism. 3. indicating a doctrine, system, or body of principles and practices: Leninism; spiritualism. 4. indicating behaviour or a characteristic quality: heroism. 5. indicating a characteristic usage, esp of a language: colloquialism; Scotticism. 6. indicating prejudice on the basis specified: sexism; ageism. [from Old French -isme, from Latin -ismus, from Greek -ismos]ism (ˈɪz əm) n. a distinctive doctrine, theory, system, or practice: capitalism, socialism, and other isms. [< -ism] -ism a suffix appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it was used to form action nouns from verbs (baptism); on this model, used as a productive suffix in the formation of nouns denoting action or practice, state or condition, principles, doctrines, a usage or characteristic, devotion or adherence, etc.: Darwinism; despotism; plagiarism; realism; witticism. Compare -ist, -ize. [< Greek -ismos, -isma] EncyclopediaSeeISM-ism
-ism (izm), 1. A condition, disease, or intoxication. 2. A practice, doctrine. Compare: -ia, -ismus. [G. -isma, -ismos, noun-forming suffix] -ism Suffix meaning (1) A medical condition or a disease resulting from or involving some specified thing; (2) A practice, doctrine. Compare: -ia, -ismus[G. -isma, -ismos, noun-forming suffix]ThesaurusSeeism |