Karl Kirsh

Kirsh, Karl Vasil’evich


Born Aug. 27 (Sept. 8), 1877; died Dec. 13, 1919. Russian scientist in the field of heat engineering. Professor.

Upon graduating from the Moscow Higher Technical School in 1901, Kirsh remained there to work. In 1906 he began lecturing on factory furnaces and boiler installations. In 1910 he became head of the boiler laboratory. He proposed a method for designing steam boilers in 1907 that subsequently served as the basis for the thermal designs of boiler units. Kirsh also conducted a number of studies on the problem of the industrial use of local fuels and waste materials.


Kotel’nye ustanovki, parts 1–2. Moscow, 1926–30.
Antratsit, kak toplivo kotel’nykh. Moscow, 1925.